The rankings of the CCI2*-6y got quite mixed up after the last part, the showjumping.

Nothing changed however for Jonelle Price and Faerie Magnifico who got 4 faults in their course, but could still take home the victory with a total score of 33.40!
Lola Madrenas and Valentino de Nine Z (Vigo d’Arsouilles) moved up from 4th to second place after jumping a superb clear round, ending on a total of 33,80. The Italian Vittoria Panizzon and Secret Legacy also produced a beautiful clear round, making their score stay on 34,60 and thus finishing on a third place.
Belgium’s Karin Donckers and Nerium (Esteban xx) also produced a clear round, staying on their total of 36,50 and gaining a fourth place. Italy’s Filippo Gregoroni closes the top five. He picks up 4 penalties with Unnamed, making it a total score of 37,00.